AvantGo 5.0 v prevedení Beta

AvantGo na PDAajeje, hýbe sa to, AvantGo máme do verzie 5 a podľa obrázku si urobilo záložky, čiže bude to trošku pomalšie zobrazovať no a samotný zoznam kanálov je opäť o pár cm nižšie.
New look and feel
* A complete redesign of the user interface
* Small-screen optimized navigation designed to maintain ease of use
Improved on-device channel management and selection
* Search, Browse, and Add over 1200+ AvantGo channels from your device
* Customize the layout of your channel list
* Create Personal Channels from your device
On-device Help & Alert sections
* Trouble-shooting tips and service alerts on your device.
Enhanced connected/wireless features
* Abbreviate sync times and minimize wireless costs by selecting the channels you wish to sync
* Browse and search all 1200+ AvantGo channels while connected
* Surf the web using AvantGo – from a new section on the AvantGo homepage

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